Living the Dream...

This blog makes up part 1 of how I responded to the opportunity to change my direction in life and make my dream life a reality. In November/December 2008 I traveled across Canada from Brampton to Whistler. This is the story.

Part 2 is my youtube channel where Claudia and I travel to Central America and can be found at:

Living the Dream part 2

Part 3 is a blog about our new life in London, UK and can be found at:
Living the Dream part 3

Brought to you by Cheadhome Entertainment

Friday, November 14, 2008

Chapter 2 - The Spanish Goat

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"So you guys have had goat before?"

Leaving Killarney was fine, knowing how it's always hard to leave but this time the cold and the lack of dry wood (and people? - the isolation was nice...) and we were off to Sudbury. After making all our required pit stops, we needed our technological fix and found it at the Green Star Laundry. 1 hour of our high. It wasn't long and we were off to the Great White North - well not really but it had been the furthest either of us had ever gone; Spanish, Ont. The Outhwaites were awaiting our arrival. Tony and Barb are two very unique people with a very different lifestyle and some very interesting and engaging perspectives on life. They live off the land, and off the grid. All the energy they use is accounted for, and everything has a full use life cycle or it simply does not make sense. They do not buy flourescent bulbs because they are trendy or feeling guilty about global warming. They buy LEDs because they use so very little power and can be very inexpensive. They do not choose to not eat beef because it factors into a large environmental footprint or that it fuels the cycle of animal abuse; they choose to not eat beef because raising them is expensive and difficult, and if they lose one to predators or otherwise that's there food supply gone for months. Instead they raise goats.

Goat meat is a lot like beef, and if I hadn't been told what I was eating I probably wouldn't have guessed. Tony, Barb, Graeme and I talked for hours and hours that first night and it was great. our politics are so similar it was like dinner at hazelwood, our perspective on life and society was so fresh and new on the other hand. It was like finding someone who had long been forgotten about but who speaks the truth from experience instead of posturing and theoritcal schmoozing. Like Luke Skywalker finding Yoda, and having to re assess life for what it was going to mean to him, instead of what it had previously meant to him.

All in all a great couple of days. I would have liked the weather to be nicer so that we could have helped out around the farm more, and maybe even got some dry firewood out of the deal! I left a beer cooler there but it seems I'm leaving things everywhere I go because i just brought too much stuff.

Leaving their farm we finally had a sence of new adventure, of going somewhere neither of us had ever been. I am really glad Graeme was along for this part of my quest.


Candice said...

Wow! The pictures are amazing!! Looks like you've already had quite an adventure and I'm glad that you're finding parts of home along the way.

BTW...You seemed to have lost the text from your first post.

Graeme C. said...

Someone should tell Tony & Barb about this website, I'm sure they'd like to see it (they have Internet access at the local library).

Madgrindz said...

yeah we should have gotten their emial address! could call them for it i guess. we did talk about them getting their own website too, so they may be more inclined to going 'online'.

Madgrindz said...

yeah i removed the text from the first post cause it didnt fit with the presentation i wanted. lol, im pretending that never existed! dont worry all your original comments are still there as part of the first chapter.

dad said...

I have Tony and Barb's email, i'll send them the link to the blog site here. Great journal entries and photos Alan ! Dad

Jenny said...

write more! write more! more pics!

You missed the first big snowfall in Toronto. Winter wonderland... although I'm sure you're getting more than enough of it up north :)

Jenny said...

p.s. I hope the goat you ate did not have a name...!

Madgrindz said...

the heater seems to be working again, just good luck i think! I am going on a side trip to Duluth this weekend but hopefully will have some time to update my blog in the boring praries. If I ever leave Thunder Bay that is!