Living the Dream...

This blog makes up part 1 of how I responded to the opportunity to change my direction in life and make my dream life a reality. In November/December 2008 I traveled across Canada from Brampton to Whistler. This is the story.

Part 2 is my youtube channel where Claudia and I travel to Central America and can be found at:

Living the Dream part 2

Part 3 is a blog about our new life in London, UK and can be found at:
Living the Dream part 3

Brought to you by Cheadhome Entertainment

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Chapter 3 - The 'Gonk in the "Soo"

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"Is there a place in town that has wifi?"

After leaving Spanish (and the beer cooler) behind, we fiinally began our trek to a new place, somwhere neither of us had ever been. The drive from Spanish to the "Soo" wasn't all that interesting, especially after having driven north of there now - it just doesn't compare. The whole Soo experience was kind of like a whirlwind. In order to have gotten a big picture of what it's like I should have stayed another day there. We spent the morning/afternoon getting there, found our sketchy ghetto hostel - the Gonk (Algonquin) Hotel. Full of some very colourful people, though at first we were worried about our safety (i got up throughout the night to look out the window at BERK to see that she was still intact) it turned out they were all very helpful and interested in what we were doing. There seems to be a line that we crossed somewhere north of Sudbury where the people just change. I can't put my finger on it yet, but I will come back to this. So anyways we found a cool little coffee shop called the Steamy Bean and we hung out there for a while - walked around the Soo waterfrount for a while and called it a night. Early the next morning Graeme hopped onto the Greyhound bus and that part of the trip came to an end. I'm really glad Graeme came with me that far - it was great company and even better conversation. I am going to have to ask wikipedia when I need answers now.

I will be entering a much new chapter from here on, going solo. Next stop will be winter camping or some kind of adventure I am sure!


Jenny said...

Great title!
Btw, if you ever make it to Calgary... here's my friend Laura's #403-264-2051. She said you can ring her up anytime and you have a place to crash there. She does like to party a lot though, can't guarantee she'll be home when you call!

She still uses her Toronto cell # too, which is: 416-899-5552.

Madgrindz said...

i cant figure out how to post videos! argh!

Graeme C. said...

Just to clarify, we left a beer cooler bag behind right, not a case of beer?

Any idea what that building in the picture is?

Graeme C. said...

By the way, check out this for help in uploading videos:

Graeme C. said...

Found it:

Candice said...

Wow I feel like i have VIP insider information since i know what's happening in the next chapter already! Can't wait...the next part is good! ;)