Living the Dream...

This blog makes up part 1 of how I responded to the opportunity to change my direction in life and make my dream life a reality. In November/December 2008 I traveled across Canada from Brampton to Whistler. This is the story.

Part 2 is my youtube channel where Claudia and I travel to Central America and can be found at:

Living the Dream part 2

Part 3 is a blog about our new life in London, UK and can be found at:
Living the Dream part 3

Brought to you by Cheadhome Entertainment

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Chapter 4 - The Eagles have Landed

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"Do you know where the mission is?

It's on Mission St.

How do I find Mission St.?

Take the highway down to the mission, it's right there."

I barely spoke to anyone on my trip from the soo to Wawa, and every conversation I had was about trying to find directions to Rocky Island Lodge where I was supposed to be able to camp. When I did finally find the lodge, of course it was closed and I was forced to go and pay to stay at a motel. That chain of events however would lead me to check out which I now believe is going to be bigger than facebook. A community of like minded people travelling the world on a budget find each other to make the journey a reality. A reality full with incredible experiences.

Before I got to Wawa however, I found one of the most beautiful places in Canada I've ever seen. Lake Superior Provincial Park is a long stretch of park with a particularly nice campground called Agawa Bay right on the shore of the lake. I biked down the campground and wished I was able to stay there. That would have been a long haul with all my gear plus having to spend the afternoon getting (wet) firewood. I was hoping to be able to camp near Wawa in any case, so I enjoyed my afternoon. I'm beginning to get a bit of a 6th sense when it comes to spotting wildlife. In natural parks during the winter, somehow the isolation of being completely away from other people puts you in touch with the animals that are in your space. While taking a picture of the shore I looke up over my shoulder and saw three bald eagles take flight from a nest just above me on an outcropping. Unfortunately my camera skills only captured these shots;

The drive from the soo to Lake Superior was definetly the best part of the driving I've done thus far. I can't even imagine what lies ahead of me in the rockies. Anyways, I was now alone on my trek and still wanted to get my 'into the wild' moment so I would have to wait. but not wait long...


Candice said...

I know you purposely mentioned your bike and took a picture of it cause I said that you would never use your bike on the trip.

fine fine fine! You told me so!

But i bet you have yet to use those ice skates!!!! am i right?!?!

Btw...i miss your pickle jar opening skills. I guess you could say i was in a 'bit of a pickle' this weekend when trying to open the jar! hahaha but i managed!

Madgrindz said...

oh man yeah my bike has/had become my best friend prior to actually meeting real people in Tbay. It posed in my pictures, I talked to it in the van, it even rivaled the relationship I developed with my camera!

but no, I haven't even thought about using my skates. or my xcountry skiis yet. we have NO snow up here, apparently you guys have it all!

Candice said...

How is your still camera working out? Is that what you're using to take the pictures?

How are you managing between the still camera and taking videos with your camcorder? Geez...who would expect such technology riding around in Berk?!

Can't believe no snow! Well hopefully they'll be some by the time you get into the mountains!

Jenny said...

Great blog... but... you're not writing nearly enough! your posts seem like they are only the tip of the iceberg... I feel like I only know about 1% of what you're doing, I should know at least 85%!!

write more more more... be like me and write novels to the point that the person reading is overwhelmed with information and completely annoyed! yayy for annoying your fans!