Living the Dream...

This blog makes up part 1 of how I responded to the opportunity to change my direction in life and make my dream life a reality. In November/December 2008 I traveled across Canada from Brampton to Whistler. This is the story.

Part 2 is my youtube channel where Claudia and I travel to Central America and can be found at:

Living the Dream part 2

Part 3 is a blog about our new life in London, UK and can be found at:
Living the Dream part 3

Brought to you by Cheadhome Entertainment

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Chapter 1 - The Fox's Letter

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"Please give me food. NOW."

The sly fox turned out to be the only other soul in the park the 2 days we stayed there. Although there was definite evidence of bigger creatures wandering the park. Killarney is a place where I grew up. Every summer for as long as I can remember has included some time at Killarney with some major or minor event that impacted us Brampton Cheadles and the friends/family that came with us. Like the little guy from New York that said Ornch juice and the time Graeme and I repelled down that cliff (ok big rock). The first time I jumped off the biggest peak into George Lake and the time Graeme and I made it to the Silver Peak. Phil coming up there and our adventure with the Lesbians and the time I invited 2 different girls up and they both came!

Fox gets the asparagus

This time was different. Not just because for the first time it was November, and all the deciduous trees had no leaves, and there was a sprinkle of snow on the ground. What Graeme and I experienced was complete isolation, and it was kinda surreal. we were busy and cold enough to not think about it too much but we were the only two in the park, the place that was always full of people, noise, action... was now deserted. Like a town that enjoyed the hustle and bustle of an era past that now sits silent and rustic and calm. but not entirely empty. Maybe it was the familiarity. Maybe it was the fact that Killarney is a part of us even when we're not there, and we were returning the favour. Or, maybe it was the fox.

In any case, if I do not see Killarney for some time, it was good being there in the winter (and for free, but only having wet wood to build fires makes for smokey nights) and I will cherish it among all the Killarney memories.


dad said...

Alan, thanks for the update ! Glad to see you made it to Spanish Ont. What campsite did you stay on at Killarney / Did you go to town, what was it like there? Give Tony and Barb a hug for us when you see them, don't forget Vanessa works at the LCBO there. Hi Graeme !

Jenny said...

You know... you can put pictures on blogs! I want to see pics!

What does Dad's comment mean - is he trying to imply that Vanessa can get you hook-ups at the LCBO? Why else would you need to remember that she works there?

Candice said...

So glad to hear you survived the night! It's so cold in the apartment I can't even imagine sleeping outside! Then again...I'm sure you have different ideas of what consitutes warm when you're outside all the time.

Me, Echo and Roxy miss you terribly and are sending all our love, purrs and meows your way!!!!

I'm excited that you're on top of your blog writing and hope you write lots. And yes. We want pictures!

Why does your entry have the key works green something laundry?! So weird!

Candice said...


How come your blog is called living the dream PART 1?!?!?! What other plans do you have up that sleeve of yours?! ;)

dad said...

Jenny, I just meant that Alan could look up Vanessa while he was in town, nothing sinister intended. Yes I agree, pictures would be great!

mom said...

Alan, hope that you get the heater working in the van...also that weierd noise...dont want berk to shut down in the middle of nowhere. Yet still car trouble or not can just see you drivng along the beautiful trans canada.We are all there with you in spirit, dont forget that!! For our part starting to get things ready for christmas...remember you said you'd be home for christmas..Send us some pictures asap!!

Graeme C. said...

That's what the fox said. I'll send you the pics soon to prove it. Looking forward to some video clips soon too!

It was great to be a part of the first two chapters of this amazing story that's being written as you go. Wish I could still be there, but I can't wait to see the next parts!

Graeme C. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Madgrindz said...

so dad we stayed at 141 on rabbits path, one of our usual spots.

sorry for the late reply!

I will add more pictures and stuff as I go so keep checking previous chapters for more info!

Jenny said...

Sucks about your heater!! I have been following along through your and Dad's emails. You should turn your email into a post... it's all part of the journey, right? Anyway, I hope you will be ok, and warm enough!
p.s. why is the van called Berk?

Candice said...

what's happening with the heater? why am i out of the loop?!

jenny...the van is Berk 757. that's the new licence plate alan got! sooo cool!

and just after that we saw a license plate that was aynl 180 or something....
hahahahahhahahaha hillarious!

Dale said...

Hey Alan. I was talking with your Mom and she gave me your blog info. Just finished reading posts and enjoyed it very much. Looking forward to you posting Living the Dream Part 1. Heard about your heater problem. Hope you get that fixed for sure. Take care my friend and I wish you "Clear Sailing".